Sunday, June 12, 2016

Balancing Chakra Energy

We are made up of mind, body and soul.... you would not agree less..We all are different  on the physical, mental and emotional level.What govern Our physical, mental ,emotional and spiritual being?
well,  our physical body is all nerves and senses but our subtle body is made up of channels known as nadis and centers of energy known as chakras .These center of energies or Chakras affects our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual being.
The 7 Chakras: A Mini Guide
The sanskrit word chakra means "wheel". The spinning wheel of energy which resides within us brings balance to our life.The wheel of energy or chakra spins on its own axis and it affects the entire system of our body.There are many chakras in the body but seven has been identified as major chakras. The main seven chakras aligns the spine, starting from the base of the spine through to the crown of head.Each chakra is associated with particular element, color, and function.In order to have optimum physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well being, all the chakras must be clear, open and balanced.

When chakras are imbalanced then certain physical, mental and emotional problems appear. Negative thoughts or experiences causes blocks in the chakras .Each chakra reflects certain physical and emotional aspect of being. so if the chakra is blocked or imbalanced then related physical or emotional function is affected.

To clear or balance the chakra, we can do meditation, breathing exercises, visualization, yoga, chanting mantras or affirmation.

lets have a look at the seven chakras in detail and how to energize and balance these chakras.


" I AM"

The sanskrit word MULADHARA means the "root support". The ROOT chakra is located at the base of spine.This root chakra is symbolized by lotus with four petals .Kundalini which is dormant till we awake it, resides in the root chakra. If the root chakra is open and clear the kundalini will rise to higher chakra and will express the qualities of the chakras.

The color associated with the Root chakra is Red and its element is earth.The main aspect of the root chakra is simplicity , purity and joy.

The Root chakra governs the sexuality,stability,sensuality and security.

The imbalance in the root chakra will  create Anemia, fatigue, obesity ,hemorrhoids, constipation, immune system issues,chronic back pain,addictions, depression,isolation, distancing self from others,lethargy.
The body parts which are associated with the Root chakra is spine, bones, teeth,intestines, blood circulations,prostate, bladder,tailbone.

If the Root chakra is open and balanced then we feel grounded, centered, safe, secure, healthy eating habits and identity of life purpose.

Primo Chakra: Muladhara | I 7 Chakra

We can balance our root chakra through walking in the grass,dancing, practicing tai-chi, yoga.connect with people, eat healthy.
while meditating, one can listen to drum beats or visualize the red color, or imagine the lotus petal spinning.

Meditation guide for the Root chakra
  • Sit comfortably in the meditation posture.
  • Close your Eyes 
  • Take a long breathe in and  exhale slowly.
  • while exhaling you can chant "LAM"  seed mantra.(pronounced as lum)
  • visualize the red color flower is spinning at the base 
  • keep chanting mantra and imagine that red color energy is spinning and energizing your chakra and opening it.
  • keep meditating for at least 10 minutes on this energy and let yourself relax into a feeling of security and grounding.


The sanskrit word Svadishtana means "one's own base".The sacral chakra is located at the lower abdomen, below the navel.The second chakra is symbolized by six petaled lotus.The element of the sacral chakra is water.The color associated with the sacral chakra is orange.

The  main aspect of the Sacral chakra is creativity,sexual energy, and knowledge.
The sacral chakra governs the reproduction, creativity,joy and enthusiasm.

The imbalance in the Sacral chakra will lead to problems related to reproduction organs,eating disorder,drug use,depression, alcoholism,allergies,lack of creativity, lack of self-confidence,financial issues,feeling of guilt.
The body parts associated with the sacral chakra is hips,large intestines,reproductive organs,appendix,kidneys,spleen.

If the sacral or svadishtana chakra is balanced we feel joy and abundance.We feel emotionally secure, committed,easy going,sociable,lively,energetic,sensual,healthy sexuality,intuitive and nurturing to self and others.

Svadhisthana Chakra – The Sacral Chakra


One can balance or energize the sacral chakra by following your creative pursuit , relaxing and having fun.give time for creative expressions such as dancing and painting, art work.spend time near the water doing swimming or just sitting by the lake or ocean.and of course walking and meditation will benefit a lot.

Meditation guide for the sacral chakra:

  • sit comfortably in meditation posture
  • close your eyes
  • take a deep long breath and exhale slowly
  • while exhaling you can chant "vam" seed mantra (pronounced as vum)
  • visualize the orange colored flower is spinning below the navel.
  • keep chanting mantra and imagine the orange color energy is spinning and energizing your chakra and opening it.
  • feel a sense of warmth
  • keep meditating for at least 10 minutes on this energy and let yourself flow like water.

"I DO"

The sanskrit word Manipura means the "jewel city".It is symbolized by downward pointing triangle with ten petals.It is located at the navel.It is represented by yellow color and the element corresponding is the fire.its main aspect is personal power, ego, self esteem..

The solar plexus chakra governs the digestion, personal power,expansiveness and all matters of growth.
The imbalance in the solar plexus will lead to indigestion, intestinal problems,anorexia, bulimia, problems related to stomach and digestive system, fear of rejection,struggle with self esteem, lack of faith,being overtly sensitive emotionally, physically and mentally.

The body parts associated with the solar plexus is stomach, digestive system,pancreas, kidneys, spleen.

If the solar plexus chakra is balanced we feel self empowered, strong will power, optimistic, assertive, flexible, sense of humor,in control of life and emotions.

You can balance your solar plexus chakra by following your inner guidance and trusting you instincts.practice positive thinking, eating healthy foods.take a walk in the early sunshine morning.and of course yoga and mediation.

Meditation guide for the solar plexus chakra:
  • sit comfortably in meditation posture
  • close your eyes
  • take a deep long breath and exhale slowly
  • while exhaling you can chant "RAM" seed mantra.(pronounced as "rum")
  • visualize the yellow colored flower is spinning between the navel and the base of sternum.
  • keep chanting mantra and imagine the yellow color energy is spinning and energizing your chakra and opening it.
  • feel a sense of radiant sun within you.
  • keep meditating for at least 10 minutes on this energy and let yourself feel confident and sense of power.


The sanskrit word Anahata means "unstruck".The heart chakra is symbolized by a circular flower with twelve green petals.It is located at the centre of chest.It is represented by green color and its element is Air.Its main aspect is our spirit and true self and emotions.
The heart chakra governs circulation of the heart system, unconditional love, passion and devotion.
Heart chakra in the middle balance the humanistic aspect of the lower three chakras and divinity and spirituality of above three chakras. A balanced heart chakra enables us to grow in spiritual love.
The imbalance in the Heart chakra leads to self doubt, unhealthy relationships,heart related problems,hypertension, high blood pressure,asthma,anemia,breathing difficulties,broken heart,grief,anger, hatred, feeling unloved,unable to trust.
The body parts associated with the heart chakra is heart, lungs,thymus gland,shoulders, arms,circulatory system.

If the heart chakra is balanced then we feel healthy, harmonious,comfortable with others, intimacy, emotions flow freely,unconditional love, understanding and accepting, compassionate, kindness and affectionate.

The Heart Chakra is the 4 th of the seven chakras, and it is ...

You can balance and energize the heart chakra by practicing appreciation and gratitude,.Practice forgiving yourself and others,Spend time with loved ones,express your feelings and emotions.
Spend time in nature, have some "me time". give some time for reading, walking, doing what you love to do.sitting on green grass will also help.Feel the breeze upon your skin and allow your heart to breathe in the beauty of nature.
Meditation guide for the Heart chakra

  • sit comfortably in meditation posture
  • close your eyes
  • take a deep long breath and exhale slowly
  • while exhaling you can chant "YAM seed mantra.(pronounced as "yum")
  • visualize the green colored flower is spinning at the centre of heart
  • keep chanting mantra and imagine the green color energy is spinning and energizing your chakra and opening it.
  • feel the  green energy washing away all the fears and guilt and replacing it with divine love and light.
  • keep meditating for at least 10 minutes on this energy and let yourself feel loved and cherished.


The sanskrit word Vishudhi means"pure". The throat chakra is symbolized by silver crescent  within the white circle with 16 light blue petals.It is located at the base of your neck.It is represented by color blue.the element of the throat chakra is ether.

The main aspect of throat chakra is diplomacy, sense of power and dominance and relationship with others.
The throat chakra governs communication, independence, fluent thoughts and sense of security.

The Imbalance in the Throat chakra will lead us to become closed off from expressing self,unable to communicate,will feel shy or withdrawn,unable to make decisions,fear of being judged,addiction,powerless problem related to thyroid gland, sore throat,jaws, teeth,mouth ulcers,speech impairment.

A balanced throat chakra enables us to grow physically, mentally and emotionally.
The body parts associated with the throat chakra is thyroid gland, throat, vocal system,mouth, neck,lungs, sinuses, thyroid,trachea,tonsils.

If the Throat chakra is balanced we have good communication skills.ability to  speak and think clearly.we feel open and expressive, clear and direct in approach.


You can balance and energize your throat chakra by being honest, communicate your thoughts, feeling,opinions and can practice singing.learn to be mindful. and of course walking, yoga, exercise and meditation always help.Meditation guide for the throat chakra
sit comfortably in meditation posture
close your eyes
take a deep long breath and exhale slowly
while exhaling you can chant "HAM seed mantra.(pronounced as "hum")
visualize the blue colored flower is spinning at the base of the throat
keep chanting mantra and imagine the blue color energy is spinning and energizing your chakra and opening it.
feel the  blue energy radiating you with confidence
keep meditating for at least 10 minutes on this energy and let yourself feel confident and calm.



The sanskrit word Ajna means "command".The third-eye chakra is symbolized by lotus with two petals. The color corresponding to third eye chakra is indigo.It is located at the centre of forehead, in between the brows., just above the brow line. The main aspect of the third chakra is imagination and visualization. This chakra is very important as it is the junction of three energies i.e. NADI, PINGLA and SHUSHNUMA. The element of this chakra is divine light as it combines all the element present in all the chakras.The third eye chakra governs the visual consciousness,access of intuition and clarity on the intuitive level.The third eye chakra is related to our mind power and the outflow of information.The body parts associated with the third eye is lower part of brain, eyes, forehead,pituitary gland, nose,ears,nervous system,ethric body/aura.
The imbalance in the third  eye chakra will lead to lack of imagination,self deception,lack of sleep,feeling of disorientation, depression,dementia, memory loss,headaches,sinus problems.we are unable to trust our instincts,inner voice.unable to trust others,distorted perception of life.

If the Third eye chakra is balanced the we feel clear headed, focused, in tune with one's higher self,strong faith,good memory,spiritual visions,charismatic, good intuition and connection with inner and outer world. | Third Eye Chakra Lessons

You can balance and energize your third eye chakra by practicing imagination, visualization, meditation. being aware of inner and outer self.learn to trust your instincts and  listen to your inner voice.spend the time sitting in stillness and calm posture for at least 20 minutes a day.

 Meditation guide for third eye chakra
  • sit comfortably in meditation posture
  • close your eyes
  • take a deep long breath and exhale slowly
  • while exhaling you can chant "OM" seed mantra.(pronounced as "Aum")
  • visualize the indigo color  flower spinning and indigo color radiating from the third eye.
  • keep chanting mantra and imagine the indigo color energy is  energizing your chakra and  and the light  moving downwards radiating all the below chakras.
  • feel the indigo color energy is connecting you with yourself at inner level and radiating from the body.
  • keep meditating for at least 20 minutes on this energy.


The sanskrit word Sahasrara means "thousand petals".The crown chakra is symbolized by a lotus  with one thousand multi colored petals.It is located at the crown or top of the head.It is represented by the violet color.This chakra is considered to be the state of pure consciousness.The crown chakra relates to the wisdom and universal love and light.
The crown chakra governs the release of karma,meditation,universal consciousness and with beingness. When the kundalini rises to this point , then it connects with male shiva energy.

The body parts associated with the crown chakra is pineal gland,upper brain,central nervous system,muscular system,skeletal system, skin,hair growth, top of head.

If the Crown chakra is imbalanced then we feel depression, alienation,mental illness,confusion,lymphatic system,skin problems,head and spinal injuries,fatigue,experiencing fears, phobias,spiritual abandonment, unable to connect with nature,loss of identity.

If the Crown chakra is balanced we feel strong and deep sense of spirituality.we are open to divine energy,expanded consciousness.we feel healthy,have access to subconsciousness and unconsciousness mind and have inner peace.

crown chakra on

You can balance and energize your chakra by meditating on regular basis.use visualization and breathing technique.practice love, compassion and wisdom.Sitting or meditating outside and just feeling the energy that you are a part of will help awaken the deepest part of your inner and outer being.
Meditation guide for the crown chakra

  • sit comfortably in meditation posture
  • close your eyes
  • take a deep long breath and exhale slowly
  • while exhaling you can chant "OM" seed mantra.(pronounced as "Aum")
  • Or you can just stay still without chanting any mantra
  • visualize the violet or white color coming down from the sky to to the top of head
  •  Visualize  the violet color energy is  energizing your chakra and  and the light  moving downwards radiating all the below chakras.
  • feel the violet color energy is connecting you with your higher self and  white color radiating and enveloping  the body.
  • keep meditating for at least 20 minutes on this energy for blissful awareness.
The awakened seventh chakra brings us the awareness of being and connect us to the wisdom of all.

It is  very important to have each chakra open and clear from any blockages and energized from time to time to be a complete one with self and others. If you start practicing meditation for the chakra, then you will feel drastic change in your lifestyle and physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well being.

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