Monday, May 7, 2012

Tarot card: FOOL

                                             THE FOOL
                                                  Card number:0                 
Key number : 11
Planet : Uranus
Alchemy : Air
Numerical value : 3
Characteristics : Beginning, modern thoughts, New ideas,Creative and  childlike.

Divination : A young person carrying confidence, naive approach and all he needs for his journey with him, walk towards the edge of the cliff and getting ready to take a leap. Fool is a card of new beginning. It implies new and exciting journey and taking risk to move ahead.The journey specified not only include physical but mental or spritiual too.When fool appeares it implies time to take important  and spontaneous decision.The energy is intense but unstable.Fool's approach to life is unconventional one but he believes in himself.His plans may look foolish but he can stand upon it. May have childlike attitude in issues or relationship matters.just keep your faith and be yourself ..Be ready to climb the mountain and enjoy your free spirit standing on the cliff.


Card number:1
Key number:12
Planet: Mercury
Alchemy: Mercury
Numerical Value:9

Characteristics: Understanding, power, skill, action, connection.
 Divination: The card of creation. He represents a focused, goal oriented person.He reminds us that we can accomplish  anything if we stay focused on what we really want.He is confident about his skills and resources which are available to him.He has the power of his will and ability to make  things out of it. Magician says that your life is in your controll. It helps you achieving your goals.It also represents your ability to make choices and to confidently work with your skills.It stands for action and conscious go ahead and make your dreams into reality with all the resources which are available to you either inside or outside of you.


Card number:2
Key number:13
Planet: Moon
Alchemy: Silver
Numerical value: 9

Characteristics: Intiution. subconcious thoughts, secrets, and mystery.

Divination: The High Priestess represents the fascination with the unknown. It focus on the subconcious thoughts and the hidden secrets. It implies listening to inner voice and trust your own insticts.Believe in your intuition and try to read its message. If any important decision to be take, listen to your inner voice.... believe in your inner knowledge and act upon it.

                                      THE EMPRESS

Card number:3
Key number: 14
Planet: Venus
Alchmey: copper
Numerical value: 9
Characteristics: Creative, Feminity, fertility, security, abundance and growth
Divination: When Empress appears, its time to be more gentle, affectionate and elegant. The time is for growth and productivity.Empress has the leadership quality and the power to hold people is firm and gentle.It represents powerful female force.One can be assured of progresss in any paln if Empress appear.

                                    THE EMPEROR
 Card number: 4
Key number: 15
Astrological rulership: Aries
Alchemy: Fiery
Nummerical value:12
Characteristics: Competitive, Authority, Determined, ambitious
Divination: Emperor indicates that you should accept what is coming your way, and that you will recieve most of what you desire.Emperor shows the benefits of structure and logical reasoning.It is important to maintain your focus and concentration if any hard choices to be make.If you can master yourself then you can overcome any challenge given to you.

                         THE HIEROPHANT
Card number:5
Key number:16
Astrological rulership:Taurus
Numerical value:12
Characterstics: Security, Appreciation, instruction,conventional values and views, guiding.
Divination: If Hierophant appears it is perhaps the time to consider what life would be like if we truly lived by what we believe in.It is about giving up the old patterns of the life which are not good at the moment. Hierophant could be your teacher or mentor who can advice you which could benefit you.It also mean good institution,constructive counsel, marriage.

                                 THE LOVERS
Card number:6
Key number:17
Astrological rulership:Gemini
Numerical value:12

Characteristics: Communication, Indecision,choices,changeable and love

Divination: It refers to the harmony and union.This card carries the meaning of choice and ethical decision making.The lovers suggest love, romance and an emotional, physical and spritiual union.

                                THE CHARIOT
Card number::7
Key number:18
Astrological rulership:Cancer
Numerical value:12
Characterstics: Triumph, ambition,emotion, diplomatic and success
Divination: This card represnts victory through self mastery.If you overcome your doubt and fear then success is assured.its a card of force and controll.
The chariot reveals that strong motivation and self will is a key to progress.

Card number:8
 Key number:19
Astrological rulership: Leo
Numerical value:12
Characteristics: Courage, self control, determination,generosity,warmth, believe in ones conviction.
Divination: It refers to triumph over hatred, misery attitude or mean spirited energies.try to open your heart to forgive and forget to move ahead freely.It is recommended to have a calm and thoughtful approach toward a situation or person.

Card number:9
Key number:20
Asrological rulership: Virgo
Numerical value:12

Characteristics: Thoughtful,decision, analyzing,reflective,inrospection,spritiualty moving away and guidance
Divination: you want to be yourself in order to think and make plans.There is a important decision to be make.Hermit may be a teacher or wise old man who can can give a good advice and can guide you in the right direction.sometimes it implies to look within for the answers you are searching outside.

Card number:10
Key number:21
Rulership: Jupiter
Numerical value:9

Characterstics: Good fortune,hope,expansion and coincidences.
Divination: It represents that fate have a hand in your affairs.There will be strange coincidences, lucky chances and breaks.A  karmic change is there.take responsibility of your actions.


Friday, May 4, 2012

priyanka tarot reader: Tarot Diary

priyanka tarot reader: Tarot Diary:  I have been consulting tarot for so many years and even today I m as amazed as I was earlier with it.Its images always say something diff...

Tarot Diary

 I have been consulting tarot for so many years and even today I m as amazed as I was earlier with it.Its images always say something different everytime you see in it.Though I always considered it as a mirror image of one self, it is great for guidance and knowing better every aspect of your life.
                   Many people have set notion about Tarot that it is for accurate future prediction but I would say nothing is "set in stone" but we can always explore the possibilites of future with the help of this oracle.Tarot is for guidance by tapping in the intuitive power of our subconscious mind and the hidden world out there.According to the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn ,"The most powerful sources of the information come from within ; the Tarot aids in coming in the contact of the higher self". Whether you believe in Tarot or not, they have always been and still a source of fun and enlightenment.
                 The Tarot deck which I use consist of 78 cards comprising the 1. major arcanas which represent the spritiual journey, actual events and major changes that are going to take place ;2. minor arcanas which represent the day to day activities and minor changes. Minor arcana has four different suits which represent four elements of our life i.e. fire;water;earth and air.
             Over the years, after reading Tarot for so  many people has given me a deeper insights into different aspect of human psychology and life.Now I see things more clear than earlier times.I meditate with Tarot when things are little unpleasent. Tarot has defined me very well and still evolving with it. I consider them as my best friends because they are always true and faithful to you :).
                     In the next coming blogs I will give insights into the meaning of Tarot cards and their attributions.I hope you too will learn and gain into the insights of the Tarot cards.On the same hand I would also love to hear from you the experiences which you had from Tarot.Lets start a journey of deeper understanding and wisdom of Tarot cards and reveal what is hidden deep inside it.
