Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Tarot solution

Tarot and its rich images and symbols have attracted many people towards it.There are many reasons to consult it like some wants to know more about themselves,their future,their destiny;some are frightened or anxious about certain decision;some feared for change, and so on.But the underline motive is to know what is hidden.For me tarot are one's mirror image.what is hidden inside and what is shown outside..everything it reveal.I focus mostly on what is hidden inside because that will help me to see what one want even if u dont tell me.Tarot gives  better understanding of the situation and to make positive choices to live life.It helps  to lead the life in a most positive way. It creates pathways and  give guidance.One has to believe and flow with it to fully understand its hidden meaning.I say more on the advice of the cards rather than the future prediction... as our karma decides our future.
Many people meditate with the help of tarot.Its a wonderful practice to follow as it unlock our unconcious dynamics and help to flow freely with its images and hence reaching to inner calmness wisdom.Tarot is reading or knowing about  your inner self, your outer world, your enviornment, and most importantly about YOU.
Have a Insightful Tarot reading
Blessed be
Tarot/angel card reader and spritiual healer.

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