Monday, November 14, 2016


Image result for beautiful images of moon and stars

The Moon represents the feminine, emotional, creative and nurturing aspects of our lives.Many people believe in the energy of new moon, waxing moon, full moon, waning moon, bringing in and releasing .
    The new moon ritual deals with creation and manifestation.The full moon deals with tying up loose ends.It symbolizes the end of chapter.the full moon holds a lot of power and wisdom.The moon helps me to connect with my higher self.I usually meditate on the new and full moon energy to bring new situation which i need and to release the situation which is no longer needed.I connect far more with the energy of new and full moon rather than waning and waxing moon.full moon always attract the strong vibrations.
Image result for images of moon meditation     Full moon rituals are always a great chance to let go of past and bring in new.You can use full moon ritual for cleansing the self , crystals ,wands, healing, or letting go of attitudes, habits, situation or person.You can cleanse the crystals or wands by leaving them overnight in the moon light. Or you can leave a bowl of water with crystals or without crystals out overnight and then bathe your crystals with the water the next  day.
  For any ritual, you need to ground yourself.So before you start this full moon ritual, please ground can go outside and stand in the moon light itself or you can sit inside of the house too.grounding is a process by which you are connecting to mother earth.
  Begin by imagining, that there is a flow of energy from the crown of your head that runs through your body out through the soles of your feet into the earth.Imagine that this beautiful white energy cleanses you and your soul.

Full moon ritual to release negativity:

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  • Take a deep breathe and clear your mind.Sit at calm place and take a deep inhale.Hold it for five seconds and then release.Repeat it to make you calm and clear you mind.Relax your body.
  • Light a candle or incense stick.Make a serene environment to sit and and smoke clear the negative energy of the surrounding.
  • Write on a piece of paper.Take a deep breath and think about a habit, attitude, person or the situation that troubles you,write it down on a piece of paper to release it.
  • Visualize.Visualize the situation or person as healed or going away or releasing from you. visualize it being in the process and done. take as much time as you need to have a feeling that it being released or healed.visualize how you will feel once the situation or person is being let go.
  • Forgiveness and release.Always end the ritual with forgiveness and release. By forgiving the situation or person who wronged or hurt you, you open up room for positive growth and abundance.this implies to the one's habits or attitudes too.
  • Meditate.meditate for a while and use affirmation like, "I forgive you", I release...", I am at peace now".
  • Burn the paper. You may burn that piece of paper  as it will release the energy in the universe  with the smoke.let the candle burn out itself.
After performing the ritual have a gratitude prayer to the moon. My prayer mostly goes like this:

" Full moon, I am grateful for your presence.Shine your light and energy upon my wishes.May your energy assist in the manifestation of all of this or better . Thank you."

Blessed Be

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